About Us

Dokter Peduli Foundation (doctorSHARE) is a registered non-profit organization focusing on medical healthcare services and humanitarian aid. Officially established in 2009, doctorSHARE provides assistance to communities and local healthcare systems.

We aim to save lives and alleviate suffering of those trapped in crisis so that they will be able to rebuild their future.


Empowering people to come out of the suffering holistically by their own power.


Improving Indonesia’s health outcomes, particularly in the eastern parts through holistic healthcare services and innovative sistainable programs with the spirit of volunteerism.


Integrity, mutual sharing, affection, mutual trust and respect. The strength of the team lies in its sense of accountability, ability to adapt, and inclusive characteristic.

Historical Timeline


doctorSHARE berdiri sebagai organisasi

28 Maret 2009

Panti Rawat Gizi berdiri di Kei Besar, Maluku

19 November 2009

doctorSHARE diresmikan oleh Kemenkumham sebagai Organisasi Non-profit

16 Maret 2013

Rumah Sakit Apung (RSA) dr. Lie Dharmawan diluncurkan sekaligus melaksanakan pelayanan medis pertama

12 Maret 2015

Pelayanan medis perdana Dokter Terbang (Flying Doctors)

1 Juni 2015

Rumah Sakit Apung (RSA) Nusa Waluya I diluncurkan

21 November 2015

Pelayanan Medis Perdana RSA Nusa Waluya I di Jambi

9 Februari 2018

Penandatanganan Akta Hibah Rumah Sakit Apung (RSA) Nusa Waluya II dari PT. Multi Agung Sarana Ananda (MASA)

29 April 2018

Pre-pilot project dan pelayanan medis perdana RSA Nusa Waluya II di Muara Kaman, Kalimantan Timur

November 2018

Rumah Sakit Apung (RSA) Nusa Waluya II diresmikan

18 Maret 2019

Peresmian Program Klinik Tuberkulosis di Sentani, Papua

20 Juli 2020

Panti Rawat Gizi berubah menjadi Klinik Pratama doctorSHARE di Kei Besar, Maluku

1. Volunteer-Based Non-Profit Service
2. Humanitarian and Medical Ethics

Provides health services for the neediest regardless of their background.

3. Sharing

Optimizes contribution of different individuals through collaboration and cooperation in solving social issues.

4. Independent

Serves independently and free from any interests of other groups.

5. Impartial

Neutral, non-partisan, and prioritize on the provision of access to health accordingly with the international humanitarian law.

6. Bear Witness and Speak Out

Presents in violence, riots, natural disasters, and conflicts. Raise and Voice issues of health crisis and weakness of humanitarian aid systems, and against the humanitarian aid diversion for political interests.

Founder Biography

Lie Augustinus Dharmawan, also known by his childhood name Lie Tek Bie, was born as the fourth of eight children on the 16th of April in 1946 in Padang during a time when riots of the Indonesian people against the Dutch were in progress.

After the death of his father, Lie’s family was going through hard times. Economic difficulties, witnessing the death of his younger brother as well as strong moral support from his mother pushed Lie to become a doctor since he was young. Although he had difficulties due to economic conditions, Lie never gave up pursuing his dream to become a doctor, he even dreamed of becoming a doctor who was educated in Germany.

Many universities in Indonesia rejected Lie because they assumed that he was not talented enough to be a doctor. Additionally, the only institution that accepted him was burnt down a few days after he started his studies. Despite this fact, Lie was never discouraged to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor. After working hard in many different jobs, Lie had finally saved enough money to purchase a one-way ticket to Germany.

Lie started off with a course in German language in October 1967 during the spring season at the Studienkolleg of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Freie Universität in West Berlin.

In 1974, he graduated by passing his state examination at the Freie Universität Berlin. In 1978, Lie finished his academic research successfully and was honored with a Ph.D (Dr. med.) degree from the medical school of the Freie Universität Berlin.

The security of a life in Germany did not make Lie forget his initial dream of becoming a doctor to help a lot of people. Without hesitating, he moved back to Indonesia with his wife and children.

Lie established doctorSHARE in 2009. The vision of Lie and doctorSHARE is to save lives and alleviate the suffering of many people who are trapped in crisis. Also, they should be empowered so they can obtain the ability to improve their own societies. Lie was and is the one who inspires young people in the organization, who are not only doctors but also other professions.



Active Volunteers
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Join our group of passionate volunteers to help bring healthcare closer to our friends in remote area of Indonesia. Volunteering with doctorSHARE will not only change their lives, but also yours. Medical or Non-Medical volunteers are all welcome!

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100% of your donation goes to support doctorSHARE operation cost.