Medical Service for Earthquake and Tsunami Victims in Central Sulawesi
On 28 September 2018, earthquake that followed by tsunami struck Palu, Sigi and Donggala regions of Central Sulawesi. The disaster ravaged settlements and paralyzed community activities. Quoted from IDN Times, after seven days after the disaster the death toll had reached 1558 people.
“There are 70,821 refugees in 147 shelter points, 2,549 people were injured, 113 people still missing, 152 people were buried, and 65,733 house damaged,” said Army Commander Colonel M. Thohir said to IDN Times on Thursday (4/10) .
A week after the earthquake and tsunami, the victims requires help on food, shelter, clothing, to health services. Responding the emergency situation, doctorSHARE as an organization focused on health services and humanitarian assistance fielded volunteers for the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Central Sulawesi.
On Thursday (4/10) doctorSHARE’s volunteer team went to Palu via Makassar. The team had encountered transportation problems from Makassar to Palu due to limited access. Friday (5/10) afternoon the team made it to Palu boarding commercial flights. Preparation and coordination was immediately carried out to determine the location where health services are needed. DoctorSHARE plans to provide medical services in Palu until 11 October 2018.
Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital
Looking at the impact of the disaster in Central Sulawesi, doctorSHARE plans to place the Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital (RSA) II in Palu where it will provide health services for affected communities. Currently RSA Nusa Waluya II is preparing to sail from Balikpapan to Palu, which is expected to arrive at the end of October.
RSA Nusa Waluya II will carry oute post-disaster health rehabilitation program such as general healthcare service, as well as minor and major surgery. In addition, doctorSHARE will also provide post-disaster trauma and health counseling for the affected communities in Central Sulawesi.
We open up opportunities for you to support doctorSHARE’s medical service activities in Central Sulawesi through donations. Donations can be made through bank transfer to BCA account number: 198.550.7777 on behalf of Yayasan Dokter Peduli with remark: Palu Earthquake Care. You can also donate via doctorSHARE Paypal account by clicking this link.