16 June 2023

Committed to Reaching the Nation Without Borders, doctorSHARE Launches New Program Center in Jakarta


After directly impacting around fifty (50) thousand people in a number of remote areas of the archipelago in 2022, doctorSHARE’s (Yayasan Dokter Peduli) homework will increase in 2023 with the addition of the Floating Hospital fleet, opening a new program area on Nias Island, launching a number of new program initiatives with international partners, partnering with the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Health in the drafting of the Mobile Hospital Law, and other collaborations.

With increasingly widespread program interventions to address real needs gaps in the community, the need for a central place for all programs and a meeting point for discussion and interaction with donors and doctorSHARE’s current and future partners has become an urgency.

In his press statement, Dr. Lie Dharmawan emphasized that doctorSHARE never stops innovating to make the best contribution to overcome public health problems in difficult access areas and a number of other initiative programs. doctorSHARE’s own permanent office which was inaugurated became the “home” of the struggle where all programs are planned and evaluated.

“It is an honor for us to be able to contribute according to our capabilities and get so much support from various parties, including in the procurement of this new office,” said Dr. Lie.

The new doctorSHARE office is indeed in a strategic location and can be a location for coordination with donors, partners and volunteers because it is close to supporting facilities such as ballrooms and small meeting rooms incorporated with apartment facilities above this office.

The Minister of Law and Human Rights who is also doctorSHARE’s Advisory Board, Prof. Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly, S.H., M.Sc., Ph.D. expressed the significance of the inauguration of the new permanent office and doctorSHARE clinic.

“doctorSHARE is present in all fields and tries to answer the real health challenges faced by the community. Major health issues such as stunting, tuberculosis, are doctorSHARE’s concern in various places,” Yasonna explained.

“The new office is also equipped with specialist and general clinics which will be the center for treating clubfoot,” Yasonna added.

The doctorSHARE office is also located in a location close to the residence of the Foundation’s Trustee, making it easier for him to interact and actively support the Foundation and be actively involved in doctorSHARE’s services, especially at the doctorSHARE Clinic.

Meanwhile, doctorSHARE Clinic has become one of the referral clinics for the CTEV / Clubfoot Program intervention in Tangerang Regency. Children with CTEV treated through the doctorSHARE program can easily access the clinic at this office.
