doctorSHARE Medical Services with Star Energy in Anambas Islands Regency (July 25 – August 1, 2018)
On July 25 – August 1, 2018, doctorSHARE provided medical services to the people of Anambas Islands, Riau Islands, precisely in Nyamuk Island and Jemaja Island. In 2017 doctorSHARE also held medical services in Anambas Islands.
doctorSHARE deployed 16 volunteers consisting of 14 medical volunteers and two non-medical volunteers. The team was divided into two departure times, the first team departed from Jakarta on July 25, 2018 and the second team departed on July 27, 2018. Activities carried out in the medical service this time included general treatment centers, minor surgery, cataract surgery, health counseling, and training for local health center officers.
Based on data collected from the service coordinator, the number of patients at the general medical center on Nyamuk Island is 115 patients and on Jemaja Island is 88 patients, 10 minor surgery patients, 20 cataract surgery patients, one kalazion patient, and one pterygium suture removal patient.
Medical Services on Mosquito Island
Many trips to the location were taken by sea. To reach the location, the team used a pompong boat that took about four hours from Palmatak Island to Nyamuk Island. On the first day (25/7), the team went straight to the field and shared the tasks. Two medical volunteers conducted counseling at SMPN 1 and SMAN 1 East Siantan.
“It was interesting, it became material for me from not knowing to knowing. Understand the consequences of promiscuity, know how to wake up people who have fainted,” said SMAN 1 Siantan Timur student Nurul Hasanah.
Other medical volunteers conducted general treatment and screening at the Nyamuk Village Health Center. The first day’s activities ended with minor surgery. The next day (26/7) the team conducted training on how to check blood type to health workers at the East Siantan Health Center. After the training, the health center staff together with doctorSHARE volunteers tested the blood type of students at SMPN 1 Siantan Timur and SMAN 1 Siantan Timur.
“As much as possible if there is the same blood type as me, if that person needs blood, I can donate my blood”, Nurul added.
High enthusiasm was seen from the community who attended the medical service. The obstacles faced by the community were unfavorable weather and sea waves during the medical service, people from several surrounding islands were reluctant to cross to Nyamuk Island in these conditions.
Medical Service in Jemaja Island
The doctorSHARE volunteer team moved to the next medical service place on Jemaja Island, the next day (27/7) the team held medical services at the local health center. Medical volunteers held a treatment center as well as screening for prospective minor and cataract surgery patients. In the afternoon, the team moved to Jemaja Regional General Hospital (RSUD) to perform cataract and minor surgeries.
The second team consisting of ophthalmologists arrived on Jemaja Island and immediately checked the condition of the eyes of patients who had originally been screened. On Saturday (28/7) the team conducted control of cataract surgery patients on the previous day. The team also returned to serve people who needed eye surgery services.
“The eyes were a bit bright earlier, it was visible. It was clear, in one or two places, until far away,” said one of the cataract surgery patients, Abd Milin.
The only difficulty for the community to access health care is when they need a referral from the community health center to reach Jemaja Regional Hospital. Health centers are already available on the islands in the Anambas Islands. When the community is referred to the RSUD, the community again has to look at the sea waves and weather conditions.
The same obstacle is often encountered by RSUD Jemaja when referring patients to better hospitals in Tanjung Pinang or Tarempa. During certain seasons at the end and beginning of the year, ferries and airplanes cannot travel. This causes patients to be delayed in receiving treatment.
“Here (RSUD Jemaja) we only have two specialists, a surgeon and a gynecologist. Patients outside of that, such as nerves and small examples such as eyes for example, then we have to refer,” said the Acting Director of RSUD Jemaja, Dr. Agustino Ahdia Putra.
Overall, the community and government responded positively to the medical services, as limited access to health on the island can be helped through medical services. “doctorSHARE is very helpful, we on behalf of the government and the office are very grateful for the health service activities yesterday,” said the Head of the Anambas Islands Regency Health Office, Herianto.