Together Fighting Stunting in Kramat Jati Sub-district


Jakarta, July 3, 2024 – Stunting in toddlers is a manifestation of chronic malnutrition characterized by height-for-age below the normal line (TB/U <-2SD). This condition makes toddlers look shorter than their peers and experience decreased cognitive function. Children who are stunted have a higher risk of developing infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, as well as decreased brain function which has a negative impact on future achievement.

To overcome this problem, a holistic treatment with the cooperation of various parties is needed. doctorSHARE in collaboration with Kramat Jati Health Office, Kramat Jati Community Health Center, Sub-district and Village Governments and East Jakarta TNI Pusdikkes Hospital will implement the Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT) in seven villages in Kramat Jati for 150 toddlers for six months, from July to December 2024. The program is also supported by private parties such as PT Nulab Pharmaceutical, PT Guardian Pharmatama and PT Salam Pacific Indonesia Lines (PT SPIL).

To ensure that all partners involved understand the objectives and procedures of this program well, a Socialization and Opening of the PMT Program was held together with the government, partners, and beneficiaries. The Mayor of East Jakarta, Mr. M. Anwar, S.Si, M.AP was present and officially opened the Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT) in the Context of Overcoming Toddler Stunting. The joint commitment in this collaboration was shown by the signing of the Collaboration Document between doctorSHARE, East Jakarta Administration, East Jakarta Health Office, Kramat Jati Sub-district Office, Kramat Jati Sub-district Health Center, and related partners.

This program is expected to have a positive impact on improving the nutritional status of children under five in Kramat Jati and significantly reducing the prevalence of stunting. Let us together realize a healthier and smarter generation of Indonesia!