20 February 2021

doctorSHARE Medical Services for Coastal Islands residents


The Nusa Waluya II Floating Hospital (RSA) is once again providing medical services in the Riau Islands region. This time it was carried out in Sungai Buluh Village, Dabo, Singkep.

Medical services were constrained because there was a team of volunteers who were confirmed positive for COVID-19. In the end, the service time had to be changed from February 7-17 to February 10-16. A number of teams confirmed positive underwent isolation and ship facilities were sterilized before carrying out services.

The shortage of teams in medical services was overcome by involving health workers from local health facilities, given the very high public interest, with the presence of RSA Nusa Waluya II in their area.

The pattern of medical services in Dabo this time is somewhat different from the pattern of services on Senayang Island. Doctor services are not carried out in tents, but in polyclinic rooms inside RSA Nusa Waluya II. Inside there is a General Poly, Internal Medicine Specialist Poly, Neurology Specialist Poly, and Surgical Specialist Poly. Services not only include general practitioners and surgeons, but involve specialists in Internal Medicine and Neurology Specialists.

In addition, there is a COVID-19 Task Force team at RSA Nusa Waluya II, considering that this RSA is similar to a Type C RSUD, which should have its own COVID-19 task force team.

The existence of the PCR laboratory in this RSA is very helpful in the screening process and diagnosis, both for patients and for the Nusa Waluya II RSA team. Especially in Dabo, the RSA Nusa Waluya II PCR Lab serves many examinations of medical personnel and local government officials. This fact certainly helps a lot, so they don’t need to send and wait for samples to Batam/Tanjungpinang which takes 2-3 days.

In addition to RSA Nusa Waluya II, the team also served the community on Lipan Island, a sub-district with teams from the local health center, police, army, and KSOP. This service is a pick-up service to remember that not all people have good access to RSA Nusa Waluya II.

During the 7 days of medical services, the volunteer team managed to examine 467 general patients, 13 patients underwent major surgery and 26 patients underwent minor surgery.

“doctorSHARE Media Team”