Committed to Reaching the Nation Without Borders doctorSHARE Explores the Clubfoot Program in Bali
After directly impacting more than fifty (50) thousand people in a number of remote areas of the archipelago in 2022, this time doctorSHARE plans to come closer to the people of Karangsem Regency, Bali through the clubfoot program or CTEV (Congenital Talipes Equino Varus).
In addition to Rumah Sakait Apung (RSA) as a benchmark, the clubfoot intervention program in 2023 has started in Jabodetabek, Nias – North Sumatra, Lombok – NTB and is now exploring the possibility of being present in Bali, especially in Karangasem Regency.
Communication between doctorSHARE and the Karangsem District Health Office has been intense for the past month.
As a first step doctorSHARE together with the Health Office conducted socialization of the Kaki Pengkor program to puskesmas and midwives throughout Karangasem Regency on Friday 07/07/2023 at the Swastisaba Hall of the Karangasem Regency Health Office.
The program aimed at helping people who experience congenital birth defects often called clubfoot will be provided free of charge to underprivileged families or through BPJS scenarios if possible.
Those born with this clubfoot condition are severely impaired in their quality of life because it affects their ability to work and participate in daily life, and still have to experience stigmatization which often leaves deep trauma.
“We restore hope and enthusiasm so that they can regain their confidence to look at the future optimistically,” said Tutuk Utomo Nuradhy as Managing Director of doctorSHARE who also attended the socialization activity.
The socialization session of the clubfoot program was even more special because the CEO of Miracle Feet as the main supporter of doctorSHARE in the clubfoot program in Indonesia, Mrs. Daphne Sorensen from Miracle Feet international headquarters in the United States, was also present.