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Nutrion Program in Primary Clinic Kei Besar Island, Southeast Maluku, aims to care for children with malnutrition and undernutrition cases with comorbidities. The activities designed in the program are expected to contribute to the improvement of children’s nutrition status, healing of comorbidities, and improvement of parents pattern of life towards clean and healthy lifestyle.
The objective of this program is to solve malnutrition issues, provide accessible qualified health services, and to support communities to improve their nutrition status. Through this program, the community will be educated and facilitated to maintain normal growth and development of children up to their adult lives.
Malnutrition has been one of the global health issues that affect the future of nations. Good nutrition promotes children to survive, grow and develop to their potentials while malnutrition will threat their lives and obstruct their development.
Based on UNICEF, WHO and World Bank study in 2018; malnutrition rates remain alarming with prevalence status of 22,2% for stunting (150.8 million U5 children) and 7,5% for wasting (50.5 million U5 children). Stunting is the devastating result of poor nutrition in-utero and early childhood. Children with stunting issue will never attain their full possible height and limited brain development which impacted their cognitive potential.
In Indonesia, the prevalence of stunting has been increased in 2017 (compared with 2016 status). Prevalence status of stunting is 29,6% (27,5% in 2016) while prevalence of wasting is 9,5% (11,1% in 2016) in 2017 (Ministry of Health, 2018). Even though the prevalence of wasting has been decreased; there are 20,6% of children identified in the high risk level (Z Score -2 SD to < -1 SD) which required immediate treatment to avoid further damage. Based on Global threshold on malnutrition, the prevalence of malnutrition in Indonesia categorized as high.
Responding to the malnutrition issue, doctorSHARE initiated nutrition program for malnourished children in 2009. The piloting program located in Kei Island, Province of Maluku. This program aims to restore the nutrition status of severely malnourished children under 5 and woman who suffered chronic energy deficiency through the provision of nutritious food and medical treatment. The length of the treatment is 28-90 days until the nutrition status of the child increased.
Based on Ministry of Health Report in 2018, Province of Maluku is exposed by acute malnutrition problem. The prevalence of stunting is 30%, wasting 16,6% and underweight 17,5%. Those nutrition statuses are categorized very high according to global standard.
To increase the impact of this program, doctorSHARE activated the Primary Clinic with Nutrition Program in Kei Besar Island in 2018. for curative services equipped with outpatient services with general practitioners, midwives, pharmacists and nurses. In addition to the curative approach, Yayasan Dokter Peduli Kei as a social institution also conducts empowerment for the community, health cadres, and mothers on Maternal and Child Health, promotion of exclusive breastfeeding, nutrition gardens for food diversity; counseling on Clean and Healthy Lifestyle or CHL to school residents; and assistance in School Learning Activities.
9 Medical personnel
5 Non-medical personnel
– Midwife
– Pharmacy
– Nutritionist
– Dentist (Optional)
– Cook
– Security